By default, objects embedded in other objects are referenced by their object ID. For example, a booking contains a reference to the booking page:

  "object": "booking",
  "id": "BKNG-J4FR05BKEWEX",
  // ...
  "booking_page": "BP-3F7JAWT4UA"

You can ask to expand the booking_page object by passing an expand query parameter to the api:

GET /bookings/BKNG-J4FR05BKEWEX?expand=booking_page

And the api will return the expanded object:

  "object": "booking",
  "id": "BKNG-J4FR05BKEWEX",
  // ...
  "booking_page": {
    "id": "BP-3F7JAWT4UA",
    "object": "booking_page",
    "name": "Andrea Hartie",
    "label": "AndreaHartie",
    "url": "",
    "active": true


Expandable properties are listed in this api documentation as expandable.

Multiple expansions

You can pass multiple objects to expand in the response using comma separated values. For example, to expand both booking_page and event_type you could request:

GET /bookings/BKNG-J4FR05BKEWEX?expand=booking_page,event_type

Expansions in lists

Expansions on list requests start with the data property. For example, you would expand data.booking_pages on a request to list bookings and associated booking pages:

GET /bookings/?expand=data.booking_page


Expansions on list requests can result in a slower response time.

Since expanding specific data in the response causes additional lookups to multiple data tables, it may result in a slower response time. Only expand data if you have a need for it.


Expansions have a maximum depth of two levels

To avoid circular calls there is a hard limit to expand to a maximum of two levels.

Expansions and webhooks

Included objects in Webhooks are expanded by default, but additional objects in theses payloads cannot be expanded. If you need the fully expanded object, you could trigger a call to the appropriate api upon receiving the webhook.